Medal Double gold medal

Champagne Gosset

Extra brut Celebris 2008 dégusté en 2022

Extra brut Celebris
Champagne Gosset
Champagne extra brut
Grape variety
Chardonnay (55 %), Pinot Noir (45 %)
« Jolie robe or clair. Nez intense aux tonalités grillées, pâtissières, pleines de délicatesse. En bouche une attaque ample, intense, soyeuse. Des qualités qui se prolongent longuement jusqu'en finale dans un registre grillé et torréfié persistant. »
« Pretty, light gold. Intense nose suffused with toast and pastry tones replete with delicacy. The palate starts off ample, intense and silky, all of which lingers through to the persistent toast aromatics on the finish. »
« 酒体为迷人的浅金色。香气浓烈,非常精美,散发着焙烤气息和糕点风味。入口充实浓郁,如丝绸般柔滑。这些亮点一直延续至余香阶段,焙烤和焦香气息持久萦绕。 »
« ライトゴールドの綺麗なローブ。香りはのペストリーやロースト香があり パワフルで しかもデリケートさが溢れている。たっぷり感があり、力強く、シルキーなアタック。味わいにはクオリティーの高さが感じられ グリル香やロースト香の雰囲気がフィニッシュまで長く続く。 »

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Champagne Gosset

12, rue Godart Roger

Phone : +33 3 26 56 99 56

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Founded in 1584, Maison Gosset has shaped its unique style over the years, as evidenced by its Grands Vins, with their strong temperament and great generosity. They benefit from a winemaking method that is both original and assertive. Gosset cuvées are made using a method that preserves all the natural freshness of the grapes' aromas, in a quest for the right balance between freshness and vinosity. A long maturation on the lees in the cellars then develops the wine's roundness, complexity and incredibly fine bubbles. Inspired by its past, rooted in the present and looking to the future, Champagne's oldest wine house is committed to perpetuating its exacting standards in the art of winemaking.

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