
A wine tasting safari in Greece Wines of Greece - Unique Proposal
The wines of Greece, an exciting and exceptional option for those willing to explore beyond the commonplace. I suggest you do not miss out the opportunity. Follow us to a wine tasting safari in Greece!
Anjou and Saumur white wines, or Chenin in all its glory
At the crossroads between Brittany and France’s more continental regions, Anjou certainly did not draw the short straw. Its vineyards, divided between what is commonly referred to as black schist-clad Anjou and its white limestone alter ego, thrive along and around the banks of the Loire and its tributaries the Thouet, Layon and Aubance. Over 2,000 winegrowers call the area home, and have often done so for generations, producing every style of wine, both still and sparkling.
SPIRITS How Armagnac, Cognac and gin are reinventing themselves
In a spirits market with no shortage of products, Armagnac, Cognac and gin have successfully leveraged their assets and capitalised on their strong reputation. With a firm focus on the future, their range is constantly being bolstered by quality offerings that align with current consumer trends.
AOC Médoc: the revolution of a low-profile, but innovative appellation
The Médoc boasts a long-standing history of producing wine and has garnered an international reputation as the home of some of Bordeaux’s most prestigious appellations. Whilst the Médoc appellation is the area’s most extensive, it also keeps the lowest profile. This belies the work by its winegrowers to offer a unique interpretation of its grape varieties and to deliver extremely charming wines that deserve to be better known.
How Lebanese terroir and wineries are expressions of an ancient land
The story of Lebanese wine can be traced back around 7,000 years. There is ample evidence of wine being produced in the time of the Phoenicians, who were excellent mariners and would transport their wines in clay amphorae to every country their boats could reach. But far from resting on its ancient laurels, the present-day Lebanese wine industry is a story of passion, ingenuity, resilience and craftsmanship.
Argentina, a long-standing tradition of organic wines
A climate with little rainfall and plenty of sunshine has traditionally promoted healthy vines and wines in Argentina. However, a growing number of wineries are securing international certifications for their organic and biodynamic wines. And the trend is quickly gaining traction.
Italy’s no and low alcohol pioneers
In recent years, 'low alcohol' and 'no alcohol' wines have become increasingly popular. The combination of a consumer shift towards a healthier lifestyle and the growing focus on responsible driving has pushed the wine industry to innovate and offer lighter alternatives without sacrificing taste and character. The trend is one that Italian wineries have been keen to tap into.